
Complete audits for hotel and catering professionals

Different audits available for hotel and catering establishments

Why choose Girault-Pasqué for your audits?

At Girault Pasqué, we are renowned for our mystery shopping analyses, but our expertise does not stop there. We also offer comprehensive audits for hospitality establishments and restaurants, aimed at evaluating and improving every aspect of your operation. Our audits are designed to provide you with a clear and detailed view of your operations, helping you achieve excellence and exceed your customers’ expectations.

Visite mytère pour hôtel

Our audit services

Audit hôtel
Operational audit

We analyze the efficiency of your daily operations, including reservation management, guest reception, room and common area maintenance, as well as coordination between different departments.

Quality of service audit

Thanks to our expertise in mystery shopping, we evaluate the quality of your service at each stage of the customer experience, from first contact to the end of the stay or meal. We identify strong points and areas for improvement to guarantee optimal customer satisfaction.

Compliance audit

We check the compliance of your establishment with the standards and regulations in force in the hotel and catering sector, including safety, hygiene and accessibility standards.

Financial audit

Our experts analyze your financial performance to identify opportunities to optimize costs and increase your revenue. We help you implement effective strategies to improve your profitability.

Marketing & communications audit

We evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing and communication efforts, including your online presence, your advertising campaigns, and your loyalty strategies. We provide you with recommendations to attract and retain more customers.


Mystery visits: A discreet and effective audit

Our mystery visits are in reality mystery audits, allowing you to discreetly and objectively evaluate the quality of your service. Our mystery visitors pose as ordinary customers and evaluate every aspect of their experience, from the welcome to the quality of the food served, including the cleanliness of the premises. These audits make it possible to discover weak points that are often invisible during traditional internal controls.

Why are Audits Essential?

  • Continuous improvement : Identify areas for improvement to provide ever better service.
  • Customer satisfaction : Guarantee an exceptional customer experience and build customer loyalty.
  • Compliance and security : Make sure your establishment complies with all applicable standards.
  • Cost optimization : Reduce unnecessary costs and improve your profitability.
  • Competitive advantage : Stand out from the competition by offering superior quality of service.

To learn more about our audit services and find out how we can help you achieve excellence, contact us today. Together, let’s make your establishment a reference in terms of quality and customer satisfaction.